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Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Cake is a Lie

Amazing News!

Over the course of procrastinating on writing my last post I have discovered a way to link dimensions from our world to another! This proves the infinite dimension theory! If you don't know heres a link to explain it.Wikipedia article on the theory. Now this took me a long time and I don't know if it's allowed or not, but I have posted this article to prove I have done it. I am going to check with the LORD SUPREME RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, to see if this legal. If not I'm going to shut down the project for good. If it is though the possibilities are endless! I have seen copies of ourselves among these universes. I have only been able to create a portal stable enough to travel between two other universes though. I ask for your opinion on the matter to see if you guys fully support the idea of the multiverse. I'm not going through with this unless I can get most of you onto the BandWagon.(Look up that term if you have not listened to a conversation that lasted more that 2 minutes with me.) To sum it up, I discovered two other worlds like ours, and I want your opinions on the matter.

-Zhongli Quan

P.S If anyone else discovers my portal leave it alone. Also thanks for all the Views to my blog!

P.S.S Now that I realize this. I figured out most of the views to my blog have been me trying to see if everything is working... But if anyone has viewed my blog thanks...


  1. Why are you trying to link dimensions together? Why create the portals?

  2. Zhongli, what exactly do you mean by "the cake is a lie"?

  3. Going to answer both of the Caylins and Alana's posts at the same time. 1. I was procrastinating and I found this amusing. 2 It's a reference to the game PORTAL.

  4. What two universes do the portal connect?
