First of all I would like to show you some scenes from my guest starring in Jackie Chan Adventures. In it I defeat a wind demon. That is where I end my part on the show.
Secondly, I am not that popular and I could only find myself elsewhere in a book retelling a tale of mine called, The Water God's Temple of the Guangsheng Monastery: Cosmic Function of Art, Ritual, and theater by Anning Jing.
Lastly I could only find a vase depicting me. Here is the picture.

That vase was painted very beautifully. Do you know who made it? Being the leader of the 8 immortals there must be more than that about you. Usually a leader of a group is the most popular so I am surprised. I hope to see you and the other 8 immortals at my feast that I hold every 3000 years when the peach from my garden is ripe for the taking.